Project Partners
Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
The Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation was created in 1886 to promote and defend the general interests of its members and work for the common good of commerce, industry, and the shipping sector. Today, it is a public law corporation that provides services to the business community, representing more than 39.000 member companies located in the Catalan’s capital district (Barcelonès). Its main objective is to support and promote business competitiveness and sustainable local development.
In the field of tourism, the Barcelona Chamber offers diagnosis, consulting and services concerning innovation, digitalisation, marketing and business strategy, apart from related workshops and training courses. In addition, it supports companies and other entities in obtaining the Biosphere Responsible Tourism sustainability certification. Together with the Barcelona City Council and the Barcelona Promotion Foundation it constitutes the Turisme de Barcelona Consortium, the city’s DMO.
Finally, the institution has a long-standing experience planning and managing EU-funded projects in collaboration with other local and foreign entities.
B.LINK is a consultancy company based in Barcelona and specialised in the formulation and management of EU-funded projects. B.LINK provides integral strategic services to clients from both the public and private sector, mobilising European and international funding for collaborative projects, while unlocking new opportunities for growth. Our expertise covers a wide variety of sectors, like sustainable tourism, private sector competitiveness, social inclusion, education & culture, sports or biodiversity, environment & climate change.
Since 2014, we have sucessfully supported the conception and implementation of more than 60 projects, funded by 10 different EU programmes.
Breda University of Applied Sciences
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUAS) is a specialist university that started in 1966 as a research institute in tourism. The past decades BUas evolved into a specialist in its fields, it offers education and research within the domains of Tourism, Games, Media, Hotel, Facility, Logistics, Built Environment, and Leisure & Events.
BUas works with SMEs through so-called “learning communities” where we connect students, with SMEs and researchers, to discuss, design and test innovation processes. We do this through projects related to E-cycling, E-tourism, E-sports. Our researchers offer lab facilities to SMEs on neuro-marketing, VR and AI test applications, E-cycle simulators.
Creative Business Network
Creative Business Network empowers entrepreneurs in the creative industries, connects them to investors and global markets and strengthens their innovative capabilities to the benefit of industry and society. The orginasation is a constant, dynamic source of information and inspiration around the creative industry.
Creative Business Network has a community of more than 3.000 start-ups, institutions, industry experts and policy makers from more than 80 countries across the world.
DURA is a professional, non-profit organisation with a status of legal body, serving as the basis for substantial support of the overall economic, social and cultural development of the City. The Agency’s activities represents a link between the City and other major institutions and organisations in supporting local development.
Scope and area of expertise includes Implementation of the City of Dubrovnik development strategy, SMART CITY strategy, preparation and implementation of project proposals for EU funds, coordination and assistance in projects applying for EU funds and national projects, encouraging development of entrepreneurship and tourism industry, energy efficiency, islands and hinterland, civil society.
Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Founded in 1925 and re-established in 1989, the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI) is today the largest business representation organisation in Estonia. ECCI has more than 3300 members. Chamber members net turnover makes up more than 41% of the net turnover of all Estonian companies.
The mission of ECCI is to develop entrepreneurship in Estonia. ECCI is an active partner for the parliament, government and ministries in designing the economic policy and climate. ECCI also provides many business-related services – consultation (legal, foreign trade, EU-related), business matchmaking (trade missions, trade fair visits, presentations), information services (business contacts, cooperation proposals etc.), training and foreign trade documents. ECCI also hosts the Arbitration Court, which is the only permanent arbitration court in Estonia.
NIT is a research institution for tourism issues and related subject areas. On the basis of basic research, we also develop tourism strategies within consultancy projects. The NIT combines interdisciplinary research as a sound basis for economic, political and social decisions in tourism with the translation of research findings into practical strategies and concepts for tourism development. The idea is to contribute to a responsible development of tourism by ‘creating knowledge’. During implementation however, the emphasis is usually not placed on gaining knowledge, but on solving problems, structuring ideas and formulating aims together with stakeholders.
Our work is geared towards our clients. We try to answer their questions with the means that are available to us and we will only carry out tasks which seem suitable for our tools.
The Hungarian Hospitality Employers’ Association (VIMOSZ) is the „voice” of tourism and catering business representing the interests of employers towards decision makers and employees. Its main goal is to create a sustainable and „tourism friendly” macro environment and to improve the competitiveness of the sector.
The association has more than 50 members including associations representing the various subsectors and covers the following fields of the sector: accommodation, commercial catering, contract catering, tour operators and travel agents, education.
VIMOSZ is the signatory of the Sectoral Collective Agreement and gives the employers’ side of the Sectoral Social Dialogue aiming to sustain labour peace and good relationship between partners. Based on this, the Association is member of the two European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees (HOTREC-EFFAT and FoodServiceEurope-EFFAT).